Yes, you didn't see it wrongly, it is 50% off!! for all Coway Water Purifiers, Coway Air Purifiers and Coway outdoor Filter!! So what is this 50% off all about? For any unit of Coway Water Purifiers, Coway Air Purifiers and Coway outdoor Filters applied from 25/3/2024 till 24/6/2024, you will be entitled to a 6-month monthly rental fee of 50% off! The best deal ever since I know Coway. The best time to own a Coway Product for your home! so how does it work?

Take our new Coway Ais ice maker for example. if you apply in December 2023, there will be 1st deduction of Rm120 for January(Advance Payment), after that January has no deduction, February starts until July and will have 50% off, so only deduct Rm60 for 6 months from February until July. the rental fees will return to normal which is RM120 in August.
Price for each NEW Coway product after 50% OFF

Price for each NEW Coway product after 50% OFF

Jom Tukar, Coway Price for Trade in From Any other Branded Water Purifier

but there are terms and conditions that every applicant need to follow 1. Get a rebate of up to 50% off on a maximum of six monthly payments (starting from the second billing month onwards).
2. The rebate amount received by the customer will be automatically rounded down to the nearest whole number.
3. Customers are responsible for ensuring timely and accurate payments in accordance with the monthly rate agreement.
4. Any late payments or missed payments will result in the immediate discontinuation of the rebate benefit.
5. Coway reserves the right to change the promotion period from time to time without prior notice to the customer.
Q &A
How to apply answer: Text me or call me at 019-387 6826, I will help you with the application
can I apply multiple products at once? answer: Yes you can, but you do need to go through a Credit check, to determine how many units you can apply
I already have a water purifier at home still under contract, can I change to this promo answer: No you can't
Can I trade in an old machine(other brands) to Coway? and entitled to Super Crazy Promotion? Answer: Yes, trade-ins are entitled to super crazy promotions, refer to JOM TUKAR
What if I forgot to pay/ bank in for the autodebit halfway in the 6 months? answer: 50% off will no longer be applicable, return to the normal price.
If you have been thinking for some time about whether or not to apply for a water purifier, on the fence, think no more, cause this is the best and the lowest offer ever, so it is the right time to apply for it

Hello, I’m Daniel Jong, a professional Coway health planner. I have more than 3 years of experience in this industry and I've helped more than 200 families improve their living quality and have a healthier life and better lifestyle.Click here to whatsapp NOW. so that I can help you solve your problems and needs faster.